Sources |
- [S3949] Montgomery, William Vaughn, Letter from WVMontgomery to JLMontgomery, (Name: Date: 12 Jul 1939;;).
- [S3953] Montgomery, John Andrew, TestamonyOfJohnAndrewMontgomery_1930, (Name: Location: San Marcos, Hays, Texas, USA; Date: 1930;;), AncestryTestamony of JAMontgomery.
- [S3911] Day, Kate Pickens and Monroe Pickens, Cousin Monroe's History of the Pickens Family, (Name: Hiott Press; Location: Easley, South Carolina, USA; Date: 1951;), P 207,208, 211-215 Chapter 6 See file Pickens.pdf, 51048263.
Pickens Family Genealogy (The)
Note error of Marriage of Hannah Pickens
- [S3955] Alexander, John Brevard, MD, Mecklenburg County Biographical Sketches of the Early Settlers of theHopewell Section, (Name: Name: Observer Printing and Publishing House; Location: Charlotte,North Carolina; Date: 1897;;), Reminiscences of the Pioneers and Their Descendants and Families, 01002603 LC F264.88A3.
- [S3904] Hopewell Presbyterian Church Cemetery, (Name: Findagrave; Location: Huntersville, Mecklenburg, North Carolina, USA;), Lists of person buried at Hopewell Presbyterian Church Website has drilldowns for more info on individuals 10500 Beatties Fort Road Huntersville, NC.
- [S3980] Hastings, F Victor, Genforum posting from F Victor Hastings, (Name: Location: Genforum; Date: 30 Aug 2010;;), Discusses some of the Hunter family who married Montgomerys; alsomentions burials at Sugaw Creek Presbyterian Church.
- [S3956] Brown, Frederick G, 688 - The Montgomery Family, (Name: Name: The Old Mecklenburg County Heritage Book Committee; Location:Huntersville, North Carolina; Date: 2006;;), "The Heritage of Old Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, 1763-2003" Wadsworth Publishing; book found in Charlotte Public Library, NCR 929.3756a M43 C85.
- [S3473], North Carolina Marriage Collection, 1741-2004, (Name: Name: Operations Inc; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date:2007;;), Database online. Data Source: County Court Records - FHL #0546461-0546466.
Record for John Montgomery
- [S3950] Garner, Jo Ann Starkey and Vivian Garner Pine, 689 - The Montgomery Family, (Name: Name: The Old Mecklenburg County Heritage Book Committee; Location:Mecklenburg, North Carolina; Date: 2006;;), "The Heritage of Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, 1763-2003"Wadsworth Publishing, Book found in Charlotte Public Library, NCR 929.3756a M43 C85.
- [S3951] DAR Ancestor A022376, (Name: Name: Daughters of the American Revolution;;), James Clark.
- [S3783] Yates Publishing, U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900, (Name: Name: The Generations Network, Inc.; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date:2004;;), Database online. Source number: 1429.128; Source type: Family groupsheet, FGSE, listed as parents; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: .
Record for Mary Clark
- [S3878] Ware, Johnsie Pettus, Miscellaneous Notes on Clark Family, (Name: Location: Kings Mountain, North Carolina;;), Miscellaneous notes on Clark family taken from notes by Johnsie Ware,on file at the Broad River Genealogical Society.
- [S3373], Web: North Carolina, Find A Grave Index, 1716-2012, (Name: Operations, Inc.; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2012;).
- [S3964] Moseley, Franklin S, Heros of the Cross, (Name: Central Alabama Genealogical Society Quarterly; Location: Selma, Alabama, USA; Date: Oct 2001;), Includes newspaper article from Southern Home 12-27-1956 Eutaw, Alabama.
- [S3454], U.S., Sons of the American Revolution Membership Applications, 1889-1970, (Name: Operations, Inc.; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2011;), SAR Membership Number: 48450.
Record for William Henry Belk
Ancestor James Walkup, James Montgomery
Volume: 243
- [S3954] Bryan, Mildred, Email from Mildred Bryan 2010 Jan 29, (Name: Location: Iowa; Date: 29 Jan 2010;;), 1/29/2010.