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Description |
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Linked to |
51 |
 | Barton, David M (1752-1838) Memorial Marker
Owner of original: Findagrave
52 |
 | Barton, Harvey Daniel (1881-1954)
Pate Barton, Mary Ella (1885-1976)
Owner of original: Findagrave
53 |
 | Barton, Harvey Daniel (1881-1954)
Owner of original: Ancestry.com
54 |
 | Barton, Iley (1921-1989)
Owner of original: Findagrave
55 |
 | Barton, James Monroe (1853-1918)
Collins Barton, Collista (1854-1938)
Owner of original: Findagrave
56 |
 | Barton, James Monroe (1853-1918)
57 |
 | Battle of Flodden
58 |
 | Battle of Flodden
59 |
 | Battle of Flodden Field
60 |
 | Baxter Wyne, Sylvia Bell (1892-1977)
Owner of original: Findagrave
61 |
 | Beaufort, Joan (1375-1440)
62 |
 | Beaufort, John (1373-1410)
63 |
 | Beaufort, Margaret (1443-1509)
64 |
 | Bee County Courthouse
65 |
 | BeeCountyCourthouse.jpg
66 |
 | beescn.jpg
67 |
 | Beeville County Jail
68 |
 | Beeville County Jail.jpg
69 |
 | Beeville Opera House
70 |
 | Beeville Street Scene
71 |
 | Beeville, Bee, Texas, USA
72 |
 | Belk, Abel Nelson Washington (1833-1865)
73 |
 | Belknap County Courthouse
Laconia, Belknap, New Hampshire, USA
74 |
 | BelknapCountyCourthouse.JPG
75 |
 | Bell, Alfred (1794-1874)
76 |
 | Bell, William Eagan (1910-1993)
77 |
 | Belton, Bell, Texas, USA
County Courthouse
78 |
 | Belton, Bell, Texas, USA
County Courthouse 1926
Date: 1926
79 |
 | BeltonTexasRestoredBellCountyCourthouse303BarclayGibson.jpg
80 |
 | Benjamin Montgomery.jpg
81 |
 | Berry Montgomery, Josephine (1833-1912)
82 |
 | Berry Stege, Hazel Dean (1895-1922)
83 |
 | Berry, Jesse Lee (1870-1927)
84 |
 | Berry, John Hawkins(1854-1910)
85 |
 | bessieMontgomeryFace.jpg
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 | BetsyWilliams.jpg
87 |
 | BettyAlmaSmithRowntree_01.jpg
88 |
 | BettyJeanMontgomery.jpg
89 |
 | BettyMarySetonMontgomerie.jpg
90 |
 | BF_And_MarthaElizabethBarton.jpg
91 |
 | Birdsong Josephine Catherine.jpg
92 |
 | BirthCert_HolmesCareyWoodard1914.jpg
93 |
 | Blakely Montgomery, Eleanor Jane (1835-1907)
94 |
 | Blanchard, Jeremiah (1834-1907)
Owner of original: Ancestry.com
95 |
 | Blankenship Simmons, Ethel Lou (1884-1944)
96 |
 | BoleslawI.jpg
97 |
 | Boleyn, Ann (1501-1536) 2nd Wife of Henry VIII
98 |
 | bopera.jpg
99 |
 | Brodeur Montgomery, Agnes Etta (1892-1993)
100 |
 | Bruce, Robert I (1274-1329)