Sources |
- [S418] Information on Lainshaw Castle, (Location:;), Historical information on Lainshaw Castle.
- [S421] Colonial Dames of American Chapter 1, Ancestral Records and Portraits, (Name: Granfton Press; Location: Baltimore;).
- [S427] Burke, Sir Edmund, The Peerage of Scotland.
- [S2103] Browning, Charles H, Americans of Royal Descent, (Name: Name: Porter and Coates; Location: Philadelphia, PA; Date: 1883;;), Americans_of_Royal_Descent_ed_by_C_H_Bro.;pdf Available on Google Books Pedigree XXX Campbell Pages 123-128.
- [S273] Montgomery, Bo-Gabriel de, Origin and History of the Montgomerys, (Name: William Blackwood and Sons, Ltd; Location: Edinburgh and London; Date: 1948;), Chapter (Page 130) Montgomerys of Lainshaw.
This book is available electronically on
- [S340] Montgomery, Thomas Harrison, Genealogical History of the Family of Montgomery, (Name: Printed for Private Circulation; Location: Philadelphia; Date: 1868;), Pages 062-079 Lainshaw Line Electronic Book .PDF 170 pages a_genealogical_history_of_the_family_of_.pdf.
- [S519] MBWG, Montgomery Benchmark Working Group, Verification of the Ancestry of Sven Jacob Montgomery, (Name: Lulu; Date: 2012;), pp 019-033 Summary of Sven Jacob's Ancestors Book written by committe to describe the DNA history of the 1st Earl of Eglinton and this Swedish descendants.
- [S4097] Montgomery, David B, A Genealogical History of the Montgomerys and their Descendants, (Name: J P Cox; Location: Owensville, Indiana, USA; Date: 1903;), Pages 312-321 Boyne Water Montgomery Family, of Delaware, Pennsylvania and Other States
Electronic Book .PDF 436 pages
Also DBMontbgomery Index.doc
Book found on