Hull, Yorkshire, England


Tree: MontyHistNotes_II

Latitude: 53.744, Longitude: -0.3308


Matches 1 to 23 of 23

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Birth    Person ID   Tree 
1 Bell, Louisa Gertrude  29 Mar 1868Hull, Yorkshire, England I42232 MontyHistNotes_II 
2 Dales, Thomas David  Apr 1851Hull, Yorkshire, England I42336 MontyHistNotes_II 
3 Gawthorp, John  18 May 1827Hull, Yorkshire, England I42348 MontyHistNotes_II 
4 Greenham, Emily  Jul 1857Hull, Yorkshire, England I42270 MontyHistNotes_II 
5 Higgens, Frances  Jan 1911Hull, Yorkshire, England I42425 MontyHistNotes_II 
6 Higgens, Thomas  9 Jul 1878Hull, Yorkshire, England I42238 MontyHistNotes_II 
7 Montgomery, Charles  Apr 1847Hull, Yorkshire, England I42513 MontyHistNotes_II 
8 Montgomery, Edward  Jan 1877Hull, Yorkshire, England I42423 MontyHistNotes_II 
9 Montgomery, Ellen  6 Oct 1885Hull, Yorkshire, England I42237 MontyHistNotes_II 
10 Montgomery, Ethel  4 May 1882Hull, Yorkshire, England I42516 MontyHistNotes_II 
11 Montgomery, George  Apr 1875Hull, Yorkshire, England I42376 MontyHistNotes_II 
12 Montgomery, Henry  Jul 1851Hull, Yorkshire, England I42517 MontyHistNotes_II 
13 Montgomery, Herbert  17 Nov 1874Hull, Yorkshire, England I42220 MontyHistNotes_II 
14 Montgomery, Hugh  Abt 1878Hull, Yorkshire, England I42514 MontyHistNotes_II 
15 Montgomery, Ida  Abt 1901Hull, Yorkshire, England I42226 MontyHistNotes_II 
16 Montgomery, James  Apr 1879Hull, Yorkshire, England I42515 MontyHistNotes_II 
17 Montgomery, John  Jan 1849Hull, Yorkshire, England I42374 MontyHistNotes_II 
18 Petty, Richard John Montgomery  1 Nov 1907Hull, Yorkshire, England I42235 MontyHistNotes_II 
19 Rawdon, Ethel Morden  19th October 1894Hull, Yorkshire, England I42223 MontyHistNotes_II 
20 Rogers, Helena Gertrude  6 May 1875Hull, Yorkshire, England I42221 MontyHistNotes_II 
21 Sanderson, George Linton  Abt 1848Hull, Yorkshire, England I42321 MontyHistNotes_II 
22 Scott, Charles Ward  6 Jul 1845Hull, Yorkshire, England I36976 MontyHistNotes_II 
23 Shaw, Jane  Abt 1816Hull, Yorkshire, England I42373 MontyHistNotes_II 


Matches 1 to 17 of 17

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Death    Person ID   Tree 
1 Appleton, Beatrice Lavinia  5 Mar 1974Hull, Yorkshire, England I42377 MontyHistNotes_II 
2 Cressey, Eileen Ethel  10 Oct 2014Hull, Yorkshire, England I42236 MontyHistNotes_II 
3 Dales, Thomas David  20 Sep 1931Hull, Yorkshire, England I42336 MontyHistNotes_II 
4 Loten, Henry Curtis  13 Dec 1954Hull, Yorkshire, England I42299 MontyHistNotes_II 
5 Montgomery, Elsie Isabel  Dec 1978Hull, Yorkshire, England I42228 MontyHistNotes_II 
6 Montgomery, Frank  Jan 1880Hull, Yorkshire, England I42424 MontyHistNotes_II 
7 Montgomery, Frederick James  Jul 1864Hull, Yorkshire, England I42426 MontyHistNotes_II 
8 Montgomery, George  Sep 1937Hull, Yorkshire, England I42376 MontyHistNotes_II 
9 Montgomery, Hugh  Jan 1884Hull, Yorkshire, England I42514 MontyHistNotes_II 
10 Montgomery, James  Jan 1884Hull, Yorkshire, England I42515 MontyHistNotes_II 
11 Montgomery, John  12 Sep 1850Hull, Yorkshire, England I42263 MontyHistNotes_II 
12 Montgomery, Mary Jane  ?1861Hull, Yorkshire, England I42347 MontyHistNotes_II 
13 Montgomery, Robert  1801Hull, Yorkshire, England I42537 MontyHistNotes_II 
14 Petty, Richard Mortimer  18 Aug 1968Hull, Yorkshire, England I42234 MontyHistNotes_II 
15 Rogers, Helena Gertrude  10 Jul 1964Hull, Yorkshire, England I42221 MontyHistNotes_II 
16 Sanderson, George Linton  Dec 1917Hull, Yorkshire, England I42321 MontyHistNotes_II 
17 Shaw, Jane  Oct 1908Hull, Yorkshire, England I42373 MontyHistNotes_II 


Matches 1 to 1 of 1

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Burial    Person ID   Tree 
1 Montgomery, Robert  12 Feb 1801Hull, Yorkshire, England I42537 MontyHistNotes_II 


Matches 1 to 7 of 7

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Baptism    Person ID   Tree 
1 Montgomery, Ann  8 Dec 1808Hull, Yorkshire, England I42364 MontyHistNotes_II 
2 Montgomery, Elizabeth  10 Oct 1799Hull, Yorkshire, England I42351 MontyHistNotes_II 
3 Montgomery, Ellen  1 Nov 1885Hull, Yorkshire, England I42237 MontyHistNotes_II 
4 Montgomery, Elsie Isabel  30 Aug 1903Hull, Yorkshire, England I42228 MontyHistNotes_II 
5 Montgomery, Frank  12 Oct 1879Hull, Yorkshire, England I42424 MontyHistNotes_II 
6 Montgomery, Ida  1 May 1901Hull, Yorkshire, England I42226 MontyHistNotes_II 
7 Montgomery, Norah  1 Nov 1885Hull, Yorkshire, England I42422 MontyHistNotes_II 


Matches 1 to 1 of 1

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Occupation    Person ID   Tree 
1 Montgomery, Herbert  1939Hull, Yorkshire, England I42220 MontyHistNotes_II 


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   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Residence    Person ID   Tree 
1 Cressey, Eileen Ethel  2003-2007, 2010Hull, Yorkshire, England I42236 MontyHistNotes_II 
2 Cressey, Eileen Ethel  2003-2007, 2010Hull, Yorkshire, England I42236 MontyHistNotes_II 
3 Dales, Thomas David  1861Hull, Yorkshire, England I42336 MontyHistNotes_II 
4 Dales, Thomas David  1882Hull, Yorkshire, England I42336 MontyHistNotes_II 
5 Dales, Thomas David  1899Hull, Yorkshire, England I42336 MontyHistNotes_II 
6 Dales, Thomas David  2 Apr 1911Hull, Yorkshire, England I42336 MontyHistNotes_II 
7 Greenham, Emily  1871Hull, Yorkshire, England I42270 MontyHistNotes_II 
8 Johnson, Emma  1881Hull, Yorkshire, England I42375 MontyHistNotes_II 
9 Kirk, Mary  1861Hull, Yorkshire, England I42266 MontyHistNotes_II 
10 Lobley, Emma  Hull, Yorkshire, England I42217 MontyHistNotes_II 
11 Lobley, Emma  1843Hull, Yorkshire, England I42217 MontyHistNotes_II 
12 Montgomery, Charles  1861Hull, Yorkshire, England I42513 MontyHistNotes_II 
13 Montgomery, Edward  1881Hull, Yorkshire, England I42423 MontyHistNotes_II 
14 Montgomery, Ethel  1901Hull, Yorkshire, England I42516 MontyHistNotes_II 
15 Montgomery, Ethel  2 Apr 1911Hull, Yorkshire, England I42516 MontyHistNotes_II 
16 Montgomery, Ethel  1939Hull, Yorkshire, England I42516 MontyHistNotes_II 
17 Montgomery, Frederick Henry Beverley  1881Hull, Yorkshire, England I42230 MontyHistNotes_II 
18 Montgomery, George  1861Hull, Yorkshire, England I42372 MontyHistNotes_II 
19 Montgomery, George  1881Hull, Yorkshire, England I42376 MontyHistNotes_II 
20 Montgomery, George  1937Hull, Yorkshire, England I42376 MontyHistNotes_II 
21 Montgomery, Henrietta Hettie Francis  1891Hull, Yorkshire, England I42271 MontyHistNotes_II 
22 Montgomery, Henrietta Jane  1905Hull, Yorkshire, England I42335 MontyHistNotes_II 
23 Montgomery, Henry  1861Hull, Yorkshire, England I42517 MontyHistNotes_II 
24 Montgomery, Herbert  1881Hull, Yorkshire, England I42220 MontyHistNotes_II 
25 Montgomery, Herbert  1913Hull, Yorkshire, England I42220 MontyHistNotes_II 
26 Montgomery, Herbert  1939Hull, Yorkshire, England I42220 MontyHistNotes_II 
27 Montgomery, Hugh  1881Hull, Yorkshire, England I42514 MontyHistNotes_II 
28 Montgomery, Isabell Maude  1881Hull, Yorkshire, England I42233 MontyHistNotes_II 
29 Montgomery, James  1881Hull, Yorkshire, England I42515 MontyHistNotes_II 
30 Montgomery, John  1822Hull, Yorkshire, England I42263 MontyHistNotes_II 
31 Montgomery, John  1828Hull, Yorkshire, England I42263 MontyHistNotes_II 
32 Montgomery, John  1861Hull, Yorkshire, England I42374 MontyHistNotes_II 
33 Montgomery, John  1882Hull, Yorkshire, England I42267 MontyHistNotes_II 
34 Montgomery, John  1882Hull, Yorkshire, England I42374 MontyHistNotes_II 
35 Montgomery, John  1899Hull, Yorkshire, England I42267 MontyHistNotes_II 
36 Montgomery, John  1899Hull, Yorkshire, England I42374 MontyHistNotes_II 
37 Montgomery, John  1901Hull, Yorkshire, England I42374 MontyHistNotes_II 
38 Montgomery, Kathleen (Aunt Tut)  4th March 1898Hull, Yorkshire, England I42298 MontyHistNotes_II 
39 Montgomery, Samuel  Hull, Yorkshire, England I42216 MontyHistNotes_II 
40 Montgomery, William Ahston  1882Hull, Yorkshire, England I42269 MontyHistNotes_II 
41 Montgomery, William Ahston  1891Hull, Yorkshire, England I42269 MontyHistNotes_II 
42 Montgomery, Major William Oscar  1901Hull, Yorkshire, England I42305 MontyHistNotes_II 
43 Ohlson, Louis Curtin  1901Hull, Yorkshire, England I42272 MontyHistNotes_II 
44 Ohlson, Louis Curtin  1913Hull, Yorkshire, England I42272 MontyHistNotes_II 
45 Ohlson, Louis Curtin  1919Hull, Yorkshire, England I42272 MontyHistNotes_II 
46 Ohlson, Louis Curtin  18 Nov 1933Hull, Yorkshire, England I42272 MontyHistNotes_II 
47 Petty, Richard Mortimer  1922Hull, Yorkshire, England I42234 MontyHistNotes_II 
48 Rogers, Helena Gertrude  1881Hull, Yorkshire, England I42221 MontyHistNotes_II 
49 Sanderson, George Linton  1861Hull, Yorkshire, England I42321 MontyHistNotes_II 
50 Sanderson, George Linton  1901Hull, Yorkshire, England I42321 MontyHistNotes_II 

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