New Kent, Virginia, USA
Tree: Rountree Family
Latitude: 37.5062, Longitude: -76.9978
Matches 1 to 13 of 13
Last Name, Given Name(s) | Birth | Person ID | Tree | ||
1 | Ames, Susan | 1683 | New Kent, Virginia, USA | I40543 | Rountree Family |
2 | Dudley, Ambrose II | 1678 | New Kent, Virginia, USA | I42544 | Rountree Family |
3 | Dudley, Ambrose III | 1708 | New Kent, Virginia, USA | I42555 | Rountree Family |
4 | Dudley, Dorcas | 1703 | New Kent, Virginia, USA | I41159 | Rountree Family |
5 | Dudley, Judith | 1672 | New Kent, Virginia, USA | I42554 | Rountree Family |
6 | Lassiter, Jonathan Jotham | 1678 | New Kent, Virginia, USA | I40505 | Rountree Family |
7 | Roberts, Susannah | 28 Jan 1739 | New Kent, Virginia, USA | I42106 | Rountree Family |
8 | Rountree, Randall Sr | 1727 | New Kent, Virginia, USA | I41991 | Rountree Family |
9 | Rountree, Sarah | 1715 | New Kent, Virginia, USA | I40805 | Rountree Family |
10 | Rountree, Turner | 1742 | New Kent, Virginia, USA | I41107 | Rountree Family |
11 | Rountree, William Sr | 1699 | New Kent, Virginia, USA | I40850 | Rountree Family |
12 | Rowntree, Isabella | 1726 | New Kent, Virginia, USA | I41882 | Rountree Family |
13 | Scott, Judith | 1682 | New Kent, Virginia, USA | I42543 | Rountree Family |
Matches 1 to 3 of 3
Last Name, Given Name(s) | Death | Person ID | Tree | ||
1 | Dudley, Ambrose II | 1755 | New Kent, Virginia, USA | I42544 | Rountree Family |
2 | Dudley, Judith | 1734 | New Kent, Virginia, USA | I42554 | Rountree Family |
3 | Scott, Judith | 1704 | New Kent, Virginia, USA | I42543 | Rountree Family |
Matches 1 to 3 of 3
Family | Marriage | Family ID | Tree | ||
1 | Dudley / Scott | 1704 | New Kent, Virginia, USA | F28921 | Rountree Family |
2 | Rountree / Dudley | 1728 | New Kent, Virginia, USA | F27897 | Rountree Family |
3 | Rountree / Richardson | 1750 | New Kent, Virginia, USA | F28437 | Rountree Family |