Residents of Mecklenburg County North Carolina
Title Residents of Mecklenburg County North Carolina Author Marler, Kathleen Publisher Name: Name: Clearfield; Location: Baltimore, MD; Date: 2005;; Call Number ISBN-13: 978-0-8063-5285-5 ISBN-10: 0-8063-5285-X Repository BooksAndPeriodicals Source ID S382 Linked to (29) Miles Abernathy
Robert Abernathy, III
Abraham Alexander, Sr
Margaret Allen
Alexander McWhorter Brevard
Alexander Cathey, (Xfer) ΒΆ
James Clark
Major John Davidson, Sr
Rebecca Davidson
Esther Garrison
James Montgomery
Charles Orr
James Orr
James Whistling Orr
Nathan Orr
Sample Orr
William Orr
William Tassey Orr
Hannah Pickens
Brigadier General Thomas Polk
John Sample
Joseph Sample
Mary Sample
William Azmon Sample, Jr
William Azmon Sample, Sr
Ezekiel Wallace
Samuel Wilson, Sr
Mary Winslow
Anne Woods