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Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
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Saturday |
Events for this month that are not associated with a specific day:
Miles Abernathy (1790)
Abram Cicero Alexander (1890)
Martha Elizabeth Caldwell Al... (1860)
John Taylor Allen, Jr (1870)
Rebecca Baldridge (1870)
John William Beatty (1963)
Stella Berry (1980)
Mary Elizabeth Brevard (1824)
Delia Pearl Burnett (1990)
Richard Voss Campbell, Jr (1988)
Esther Cathey, (Xfer) (1857)
George Cathey (1835)
Kenneth Clifton Cathey (1984)
Margaret Isabella Caton (1992)
Mattie Sophronia Chapman (1964)
Earnest Coulter (1920)
Charles Hassell Cox (1959)
Elizabeth Amanda Crow (1994)
Beata Curb (1907)
Margaret Jane Dunn (1920)
Claude England (1986)
Forest Darrell Ford (1973)
Doran Alexander Fox (1973)
William Robert Gardiner (1993)
Ruth Garner (1974)
Lola Berneice Geise (1940)
Arthur Clay Grant, Jr (1986)
Robert Livingston Grier, Sr (1967)
Macie Adison Henry (1981)
Burl Gresham Holamon (1987)
Lelia Houston Hunter (1985)
Mary Belle Kennedy (1958)
Fannie Keturah Knight (1980)
Flossie J Manchester (1976)
William H Maynor (1861)
Samuel Lewis McFarland (1930)
Robert Miller (1765)
James Coburn Mingle (1979)
Hazel Virgie Montague (1984)
Eugene Augustus Montgomery (1975)
Geraldine Nan Montgomery (1989)
Lenorah B Montgomery (1980)
Mable Elsie Montgomery (2005)
Richard Jay Montgomery (1964)
William Albert Moore (1975)
Jay Nelson (1993)
Cecil Ronellie Nix (1993)
Louise Lawton Norvell (1981)
James Thompson Orr (1976)
Anna M Ott (1970)
Ezekiel Polk (1793)
Frances L Puryear (1986)
Rear Adm Lynne Cline Quiggle (1958)
Sherman Russell Riddle (1971)
Mary Elizabeth Ross (1979)
Andrew Jackson Rountree, Sr (1968)
Daniel Rountree (1871)
Josephine Beulah Rountree (1977)
Hannah Shannon (1793)
Smith Columbus Sikes (1978)
Peggy June Sitton (1985)
Leamon Stewart (1983)
Edgar Fain Stiles (1965)
Alice Chapman Sutton (1990)
Robert Tilden Taylor (1970)
Albert P Thomason, Jr. (1968)
Robbie Lea Turner (1986)
Robert Samuel Vanada (1963)
Theodore R Wance (1983)
Martha Wilson (1889)
Grace Fisher Woods (1985)
Noah Agee, Jr (1864)
Marie Brooks (1821)
Susan M Campbell (1973)
John Cocke (1897)
Susan Kansas Compton (1921)
William M Dale (1758)
Everett Lee Day (1968)
Lossie May Fleming (1984)
Adam Grizzle (1979)
Jane Hatcher (1710)
Jeremiah Hatcher (1766)
John Hatcher (1766)
Thomas Jones, Sr (1688)
George B. Largen (1894)
Thomas J Lilly (1904)
Harry Edward Majors (1881)
Theo Leone Mann (1974)
Jane Jenny Montgomery, (Xfer... (1864)
Leona Morgan (1976)
James Squire Nester (1899)
Emma Frances Quesenberry (1994)
Lelia Gladys Richardson (1983)
John Robertson (1859)
Nannie A Salmons (1979)
Herbert Lee Shaw (1971)
Helen Lee Spain (2007)
Lucretia Stacy (1850)
Charlie Ingram Sutphin (1988)
Nancy Emaline Thomas (1890)
Oder Cassie Turman (1982)
Elmer Ellsworth Weddle (1972)
James R Worrell, ¶ (1802)
Mariotta Baillie (1506)
Violet Winifred Battley (2000)
James Blaney (1932)
Emma Pauline Brown (1982)
Jennie Carothers (1937)
Homer S Carr (1981)
Kate Dowling (1921)
Helen Kitty Emslie (1987)
Lieutenant-Colonel John Fors... (1738)
John Gawthorp (1876)
Patrick Gemmill (1662)
Mary Katherine Howard (2019)
Mary Virginia Jones (1969)
Henry A Kenyon (1968)
Nancy Ann King (1866)
Lafayette Kizer (1906)
George Newell Lee, Jr (1979)
Elizabeth Maxwell (1639)
John Maxwell (1630)
Margaret McCartney (1843)
Daniel Montgomerie (1912)
Lady Frances Montgomerie (1755)
Lady Grace Montgomerie (1713)
Patrick of Blackhouse Montgo... (1629)
Hon Roger Montgomerie (1792)
Alma Pearl Montgomery (1984)
Anna Helena Montgomery (1806)
Basil Manford Montgomery (1963)
Benjamin M Montgomery (1892)
Charles Benson Montgomery (1980)
Dwight Mordy Montgomery (1995)
Edith Luella Montgomery (1971)
Elizabeth Montgomery (1890)
Elizabeth Montgomery (1852)
Emma Montgomery (1850)
Frank Montgomery (1880)
George Dewey Montgomery (1978)
George E Montgomery (1970)
Hannah Montgomery (1881)
Henry Bevan Slator Montgomer... (1995)
Herbert Ernest Montgomery (1986)
Hugh Montgomery (1884)
James Montgomery (1884)
Louisa Wnitney Montgomery (1888)
Mamie Edith Montgomery (1983)
Milton Peter Montgomery (1983)
Mima R Montgomery (1976)
Nancy Ellen Montgomery (1985)
Olive Bruce Montgomery (1986)
Paul Montgomery (1928)
Roselle Mercier Montgomery (1975)
Samuel Montgomery (1904)
Samuel Leslie Montgomery (1982)
Sidney Montgomery (1982)
Vernie Montgomery (1899)
William Archibald Montgomery... (1976)
Christopher Plunkett (1907)
1st Earl of Ross Ferquhard M... (1251)
Katherine E Dolly Smith (1986)
Earl of Buchan James Stewart (1497)
Laura Belle Worley (1968)
Richard Baldwin, I (1565)
Hon Roger Montgomerie (1792)
Ruby Barker (1994)
Letitia Barnard (1838)
Priscilla Blanton, ¶ (1794)
Charles Atwater Bronson (1985)
Kenneth Clifton Cathey (1984)
Lieutenant John Crockett (1799)
Angus Gillis Durden (1930)
Edna Jewel Mansel (1987)
Myrtle Mae McCuistion (1970)
Edwin Leslie Means (2009)
Frances Fenton Michie (1958)
Basil Elwood Montgomery (1983)
Conrad Coleman Montgomery (1929)
Mary Elizabeth Montgomery (1974)
Minerva Montgomery (1883)
S J Montgomery (1880)
Walter Henry Montgomery (1963)
Roy Thomas Murray (1968)
Isabella Jane Orr (1860)
Israel Pickens (1829)
Era Fay Rawlinson (1984)
Appleton Bell Robbins (1966)
Edna Rolf (1979)
Rebecca Matticia Rountree (1902)
William Rowntree (1901)
Smith Columbus Sikes (1978)
Evelyn Marie Tiller (1980)
James Holman Walker (1875)
Janie Cloud Work (1979)
Hue Annie Barnes (1887)
Herman W Blackwell (1986)
Abner Boone (1849)
Christian Denlinger (1806)
Norval Orr Fisher (1982)
Henry Abraham Flora (1972)
Earl June Frost (1982)
Ida M Garnhart (1968)
Joseph Aldine Geil (1967)
Geneva M Hall (1975)
Britton Langdon (1876)
Mary Polly McNew (1810)
John C Miller (1944)
Darrel C Montgomery (1976)
Williamson C Montgomery (1856)
Aloysius Bernard O'Rourke (1974)
Luke Perdue, ¶ (1832)
George Lewis Pfeifer (1963)
Jacob Roller (1804)
Charles Elswick Rose (1910)
Elizabeth Shaffer (1860)
Goldie Pearl White (1979)
Dorine Mae Woodworth (1987)
Harold Bovee Woodworth (1982)
Samuel Woodworth (1778)
Mae Cecelia Bertel (1982)
M Z Bice (1992)
Bessie C Fipps (1978)
William Gann (1898)
John Caldwell Calhoun Gilles... (1926)
Eveline Kilgore (1995)
Amelia Emma Angelina Krula (1944)
Reuben Judson McMickin (1984)
Alta J Montgomery (1987)
Anne Viola Montgomery (1982)
Clarence Elgard Montgomery (1972)
Elias Long Montgomery (1979)
Everett Edward Montgomery (1926)
Jane Montgomery (1864)
Martha Jane Montgomery (1984)
Michael Montgomery, Jr (1845)
Mildred Eloise Montgomery (1986)
Mima R Montgomery (1976)
Raymond Reid Montgomery (1993)
Ruby Montgomery (1991)
Samuel S Montgomery (1976)
Vernie Montgomery (1899)
Arlen Phipps (1977)
Zachariah Rhodes (1870)
Edith Eugenia Robinson (1975)
Olivia Mae Simmons (1986)
Emma W Singleton (1982)
Elizabeth Skelton (1919)
Jane Spead (1880)
Grace Taylor (1977)
Fred Paul Wheat (1992)
Anna Oliva Adair (1848)
Annie (1865)
Anna Baird (1836)
Emily Mary Bashford (1868)
John William Butts (1881)
Lilly C Creek (1862)
Bertha Creuziger (1857)
John J Davis (1844)
John T Farmer (1832)
Olivia Elvira Freeman (1861)
Mary A Gibson (1871)
Lula Vineyard Glover (1881)
Celinda Goodell (1869)
Frances Matilda Graves (1868)
Sarah Jane Hadkinson (1845)
Constance Anne Katherine Hay (1853)
Frances Higgens (1911)
J H Holtzhouser (1845)
Isaac Humphreys (1768)
Rose Jennings (1862)
Elizabeth Keith (1522)
Richard Maitland (1496)
Latitia Martin (1855)
William Elegius Martin (1857)
Margaret H McMakin (1858)
Ida E Merriman (1859)
Blayney Owen Mitchell (1751)
Crisp Molineux (1730)
Duncan Gordon Montgomerie (1877)
Jeane Montgomerie (1837)
Pamela Montgomerie (1909)
Agnes L Montgomery (1891)
Albert Victor Montgomery (1882)
Annie E Montgomery (1864)
Arthur E Montgomery (1857)
Austin Montgomery (1831)
Barnum Montgomery (1880)
Belle V Montgomery (1894)
Carl Montgomery (1885)
Catherine Montgomery (1851)
Celia Ann Montgomery (1822)
Charles Allen Montgomery (1810)
Clarence Montgomery (1875)
Clarence Montgomery (1890)
Cora Montgomery (1863)
Cora E Montgomery (1900)
David B Montgomery (1889)
Earnest Montgomery (1878)
Edgar Montgomery (1879)
Edward Montgomery (1877)
Edward Sheppard Montgomery (1841)
Edward Walter Montgomery (1867)
Edwin B Montgomery (1894)
Elbert Montgomery (1895)
Eliza Jane Montgomery (1836)
Elizabeth Montgomery (1870)
Elsie L Montgomery (1897)
Emily C Montgomery (1891)
Emma Montgomery (1888)
Enoch A Montgomery (1872)
Ernest Robert Montgomery (1893)
Evaline Montgomery (1894)
Florence M Montgomery (1885)
Francis Montgomery (1761)
Francis Marion Montgomery (1858)
Frank J Montgomery (1865)
Frank L Montgomery (1882)
George E Montgomery (1895)
George Edward Montgomery (1868)
Gladys M Montgomery (1900)
Gus Guy Montgomery (1889)
Hannah Montgomery (1868)
Harriett Violet Montgomery (1873)
Helen Maria Montgomery (1858)
Henrietta S Montgomery (1870)
Homer L Montgomery (1897)
Irene Croathwaite Montgomery (1886)
James A Montgomery (1898)
James Albert Montgomery (1881)
James F Montgomery (1850)
James Robert Montgomery (1850)
Jas JAMES Herbert Montgomery (1871)
Jessie Montgomery (1898)
John Montgomery (1849)
John Montgomery (1755)
John B Montgomery (1882)
John Calvert Montgomery (1844)
John Daniel Montgomery (1887)
Joseph C Montgomery (1825)
Josiah Talmadge Montgomery (1849)
Leona Montgomery (1894)
Levi M Montgomery (1835)
Lucy E Montgomery (1897)
Mabel E Montgomery (1892)
Malcom R Montgomery (1890)
Mandie M Montgomery (1896)
Marie Matilda Montgomery (1820)
Marina H Montgomery (1878)
Mary C Montgomery (1866)
Mary Ellen Montgomery (1861)
Mary F Montgomery (1895)
Mary Gertrude Montgomery (1881)
Mary Zita Montgomery (1900)
May E Montgomery (1887)
Michael Montgomery (1852)
Minnie B Montgomery (1892)
Nancy Ann Montgomery (1879)
Nellie B Montgomery (1896)
Nellie G Montgomery (1897)
Norah Montgomery (1896)
Oliver C Montgomery (1894)
Opal I Montgomery (1898)
Percy W Montgomery (1866)
Peyton Montgomery, Sr (1839)
Prudie K Montgomery (1899)
Raymond Kenneth Montgomery (1900)
Reddick Andrew Montgomery (1882)
Robert Montgomery (1910)
Robert L Montgomery (1900)
Rozell M Montgomery (1870)
Rutha Montgomery (1893)
Sarah Montgomery (1838)
Sarah Montgomery (1881)
Sarah Montgomery (1832)
Sarah Elizabeth Montgomery (1883)
Sherman Montgomery (1894)
Stelvillnar Montgomery (1899)
Theresa C Montgomery (1899)
Walter Montgomery (1884)
Walter Montgomery (1879)
Wilce Montgomery (1873)
William Alexander Montgomery (1837)
William H Montgomery (1869)
William H Montgomery (1837)
William Henry Montgomery (1850)
William Parrish Montgomery (1853)
William W Montgomery (1858)
Wily A Montgomery (1885)
Lieutenant-Colonel William M... (1870)
Beverly Nelson (1793)
Ida Null (1895)
Colonel Isham Randolph (1685)
Sarah Lang Richardson (1844)
Diantha Orilla Rouse (1850)
Angeline Sassaman (1845)
Lulu Schramm (1873)
John Simpson (1857)
Flora Ella Sloan (1872)
Josephine Smeltz (1875)
Alice Smith (1857)
Barney C Smith (1863)
Jane Smith (1837)
John P Spicer (1845)
Emma Stallworth (1838)
Countess of Argyll Isabel St... (1437)
Jane Ellen Swift (1850)
James W Tyner (1845)
Julia Anne Vanderhoff (1848)
Anton Henry Vogts (1869)
Elizabeth Von Arx (1910)
John U Wagner (1867)
Grace Pinkney White (1873)
Charles B Wilson (1854)
Lena Wilson (1890)
Samuel Adams (1617)
Lieutenant-Colonel William M... (1870)
Colonel Isham Randolph (1685)
Countess of Argyll Isabel St... (1437)
Alonzo Lee Agee (1871)
Arie E Bolt (1854)
Tallie Elizabeth Boyd (1854)
Rachel E Cannady (1859)
Charles A Cox (1884)
Grover Cleveland Cox (1893)
Manda L Cox (1882)
Samuel Cox (1876)
Lucy Elen Curtis (1865)
G Lee Dalton (1881)
Julia Ann Dalton (1854)
Nancy A Dalton (1892)
Lucinda Dickens (1814)
Lucretia Dickens (1814)
John W Dickerson (1873)
Asbury C Dockery (1863)
Mary Eliza Duncan (1880)
Margaret Rose Ferreter (1892)
Gris F Frame (1878)
Bertie D Gardner (1891)
Eugene Gardner (1894)
Noah Franklin Gardner (1882)
Earnie Goad (1900)
Thomas Harbour (1774)
Nancy Jane Harvey (1864)
Clarissa Emeline Horton (1854)
Edward Lally Jennings (1720)
John Paul Lawson (1876)
Bertha Zipporah Mabry (1883)
Betty Mann (1872)
Hattie McGrady (1893)
John Montgomery (1888)
Lorinda Orpha Montgomery (1900)
Sarah Caroline Moran (1847)
Lizzie Mosher (1871)
Mary Isabell Nester (1851)
Minnie B Newton (1887)
Lillia M. Phillips (1878)
Mary L Price (1883)
Louetta Puckett (1855)
Norvell J Robertson (1901)
Sidney Robertson (1827)
Bulah Robinson (1895)
Herman Robinson (1885)
McDaniel Ross (1829)
Dorcas Dorothy Scarbrough (1836)
George Howard Spivey (1883)
J C Sutphin (1885)
R Sutphin (1890)
Caleb S Thompson (1854)
Sarah Thompson, ¶ (1782)
Ann Emmazett Tolbert (1850)
Joseph Posie Vass (1887)
Martha C Via (1887)
Azariah Lafayette Wade (1864)
James Irvin Wade (1842)
Benjamin Gardner Wages (1825)
Amada E Webb (1886)
Austin Doliver Webb, Jr (1850)
Charlie Webb (1895)
James Webb (1880)
Lettie S Webb (1881)
Louis C Webb (1881)
William Russell Webb (1844)
Joseph Williams (1888)
Frank Worden (1893)
Mattie A York (1892)
Brint Alexander (1882)
Dela Alexander (1881)
Francis Alexander (1888)
Gilbert Alexander (1881)
Hannah Alexander (1789)
Lillie Etta Alexander (1872)
Martha W Alexander (1830)
Murray Craven Alexander, Sr (1884)
Stanhope Washington Alexande... (1832)
Galy F Allen (1887)
Nora Auten (1890)
Essie Badgett (1879)
Isaac Barker (1836)
Alice M Bell (1885)
Sarah R Bell (1876)
Ella E Berry (1877)
Maud Marie Blacklidge (1878)
Kate Bobo (1870)
Addie F Bradbury (1894)
Mary Brooks (1850)
Emma Lynn Buchecker (1843)
John P Burger (1873)
Carrie A Campbell (1896)
Guy Carpenter (1880)
Irene Cathey (1869)
William A Chatham (1869)
James N Collins (1841)
Coy Cox (1900)
Ida Cox (1882)
Lilly Hearon Cox (1861)
Virgil Augustus Cox, Sr (1858)
Lottie Charlotte Crawford (1884)
Sarah Elizabeth Cromley (1844)
Martha Elizabeth Amanda Dani... (1833)
William Declue (1881)
Henrietta Dickson (1895)
John T Dickson (1890)
Laura G Dickson (1886)
Susan A Dickson (1830)
Penelope T Dunning (1859)
Lois R Elliott (1897)
Harriet England (1849)
John A England (1890)
John N England (1867)
Bertha Fagley (1856)
Fannie (1858)
Margaret Ellen Farley (1878)
Frances (1862)
Commodore Furlow (1900)
Jasper James Gardner (1867)
Maybelle Gilreath (1877)
Franklin Gordon (1858)
Mary Gray (1810)
Beatrice Griffin (1882)
Charles Hale (1894)
James A Hall (1882)
George Columbus Haney (1836)
John Williams Henderson (1879)
Haralson Jesse Hood, Sr (1897)
Caroline Abigail Calla Jenni... (1859)
Dora Jones (1893)
Flossie G Kaiser (1900)
Mary C Kelley (1857)
William A Lawing (1828)
Albert Lee (1890)
Vallie Lee (1888)
Willie Lee (1886)
Evelina L Long (1896)
Joseph M Luskey (1898)
Janie Inez Martin (1889)
Jessie E Martin (1893)
Annie McFarland (1890)
Alice Berta Montgomery (1880)
Elizabeth Montgomery (1873)
Henry Augustus Montgomery (1843)
Joseph Montgomery (1835)
Lily Montgomery (1895)
Maggie Montgomery (1878)
Mary Addie Montgomery (1883)
Samuel Montgomery (1787)
Samuel W Montgomery (1830)
Thomas McClintic Montgomery (1897)
Vera Montgomery (1899)
William Maule Montgomery (1887)
Zetta Montgomery (1866)
Leila Moore (1875)
Wesley Adolphus Moore (1882)
Narcis Jane Mullin (1847)
Ranzy T Nix (1898)
Catherine Orr (1793)
George Carroll Outten (1873)
Eliza Prudence Peters, (Xfer... (1872)
George W Preddy (1899)
Irene Preddy (1896)
Laura Rawlins (1873)
Jennie Ruth Roberts (1843)
Addie Z Ross (1875)
Evan Rountree (1885)
Guy Russell Rountree (1917)
James W Rutherford (1898)
Mollie E Rutherford (1880)
Edith Shadley (1887)
Carrie Shannon (1893)
Myra E Shaw (1859)
Mourning Harris Shelton (1756)
Annie Lee Silk (1869)
Hattie M Simpson (1885)
Thelma B Sitton (1897)
Lelia Slusser (1881)
Annie Gordon Staples (1873)
Alta Steach (1892)
Brantley Stevens (1883)
Lizzie L Stevens (1885)
Amanda E Sturman (1877)
William Sturman, Sr (1826)
Emma Laura Sullivan (1889)
Lawson Llewellyn Surratt (1851)
Madonna Sutton (1882)
Joanna Swearingen (1856)
Maggie Tarver (1879)
Ellen Lee Terry (1867)
Fannie L Terry (1870)
Rountree Barton Thrasher (1873)
Emma P Wallace (1897)
Emmet E Wallace (1894)
James Wallace (1885)
John Wallace (1748)
Lewis Wallace (1896)
Daniel W Webster (1890)
Fannie Beatrice Welch (1894)
Edward Whellington (1895)
Bathsina Williams (1845)
Frank Terry Williams (1864)
Martha Wilson (1867)
Elijah Allen Wright (1882)
Joseph Young (1741)
Martha Elizabeth Allen (1824)
Kate Bobo (1870)
William Luther Brigance (1850)
Victoria Brown (1852)
James Craig Caskey (1804)
Olive Cathey (1894)
Laura A Coleman (1850)
Joshua Boon Dallas (1849)
John L Deckles (1887)
Annie Lee Flack (1877)
Turner Greer (1881)
Woodson Daugherty Griffith (1837)
William L Grinder (1891)
Dr Andrew Wade Haden, Jr (1885)
Mittie Haden (1888)
Sanford Drayton Harrison (1828)
James E Holst (1877)
Edith Hulsey (1860)
Thomas E Knowles (1880)
John William Lassiter (1860)
Catherine A Lewis (1828)
Edna E Long (1888)
Matilda J Mauck (1860)
William Prather May (1839)
Lillie May McCormick (1897)
Rosa Carolyn Melton (1879)
Albert W Montgomery (1867)
Annie Montgomery (1871)
Bessie Montgomery (1895)
D Ada Montgomery (1893)
Daton Montgomery (1895)
David Montgomery (1880)
Elizabeth Montgomery (1803)
Elizabeth Montgomery (1888)
Eva A Montgomery (1882)
Frank M Montgomery (1871)
Homer R Montgomery (1893)
Ina May Montgomery (1888)
James Howe Montgomery (1892)
James W Montgomery (1882)
Lemuel Montgomery (1895)
Lusie E Montgomery (1882)
Mary E Montgomery (1861)
Nellie Montgomery (1884)
Olive Montgomery (1884)
Orville L Montgomery (1873)
Oscar Montgomery (1873)
Sam H Montgomery (1884)
Thomas Jefferson Montgomery (1805)
William Sherman Montgomery (1866)
Will J Moore (1894)
David Calvin Myers (1865)
Jean Nicolson (1767)
Allen Parks (1888)
Porter Z Perkins (1892)
William M Pettus (1873)
Elizabeth Pickens (1741)
Edward Posey (1896)
John Claude Pruet (1886)
Mollie Reynolds (1896)
Caddie V Roundtree (1891)
Alexander Rountree (1871)
Annie Rountree (1826)
Catherine Ann Rountree (1868)
Fannie Rountree (1887)
Francis Rountree (1885)
Gordice G Rountree (1890)
Inous Rountree (1892)
Josie Viola Rountree (1898)
Walter Rountree (1888)
William Hunt Rountree (1854)
Gertrude Sophia Rowntree (1863)
James Henry Rowntree (1850)
Sarah H Shadden (1865)
Samuel Francis Sisson (1869)
Emma Laura Sullivan (1889)
Clarence A Talley (1894)
Josephine Walkup (1869)
James H Walton (1885)
Gideon Welborn (1801)
Ida M Williams (1891)
Iva B Williams (1892)
Alice D Witherspoon (1874)
Florence Alley (1898)
Grove W Alley (1886)
Marion F Alley (1882)
Luther H Basham (1887)
Harry Stanley Bishop (1889)
James N Bishop (1898)
Sarah Blackwell (1870)
Alvin A Burgess (1830)
Duke Carroll (1896)
Lenard Carroll (1878)
Albert Centers (1896)
Effie P Clement (1880)
Otha Buell Cobb, Sr (1900)
Lee Davis (1876)
Mariah P Davis (1883)
Elizabeth Catherine Deavor (1832)
Sarah Elizabeth Elder (1892)
Sarana Flanary (1892)
Lawrence Flora (1890)
Mary F Flora (1892)
Mary Betty Frost (1874)
Elizabeth Frye (1865)
George G Geil (1891)
Hulda Hall (1884)
John C Hall (1894)
Victorine Hall (1878)
Harvey Hemming (1883)
George W Hicks (1887)
Ida Lanora Jeter (1874)
Anna Mae Lacy (1891)
Blanche Ellen Lewis (1894)
Roby Thomas Lintecum (1887)
Rosa V Mauck (1900)
Della A Mccostland (1890)
Jackson Mccostland (1883)
Frances Metzler (1842)
Ainnie Montgomery (1888)
Francis Montgomery (1894)
John M Montgomery (1890)
Margaret Montgomery (1859)
Oma Montgomery (1893)
Onos Olon Montgomery (1894)
Sarah Jane Montgomery (1837)
Thomas M Montgomery (1825)
Willie Montgomery (1892)
Claude C Moore (1899)
Lucy May Nicely (1887)
Sarah Jane Partain (1870)
Emma Payne (1892)
Lillie Payne (1896)
James Roy Perdue (1887)
Otto Charles Rose (1900)
Vincent S Rose (1820)
Richard Saylor (1885)
Kent M Shank (1888)
Wade H Shank (1898)
Dudley Harvey Simmons (1872)
Bessie M Smith (1892)
Girtrude Smith (1896)
John L Smith (1883)
May G Smith (1898)
Susan Virginia Smith (1850)
Walter Chesterfield Smith (1892)
Albert Spears (1886)
Elizabeth Mary Swindler (1858)
Mary E Taylor (1896)
Rosetta Teeters (1898)
Amos H Thomas (1862)
Charles F Thomas (1899)
William W Wall (1888)
Henry Benjamin Wenger (1854)
Mary A Wenger (1886)
Lightner Leander West (1863)
Dessie Whittington (1897)
Richard Whittington (1891)
Edward Wesley Garland Wingfi... (1806)
Abigail Bailey Woodworth (1800)
Eunice Woodworth (1683)
Helen C Woodworth (1900)
Mary Woodworth (1802)
David N Worsham (1852)
Charles Thomas Yeargain (1853)
Kathryn L Yeargain (1895)
Eugenia Norman Arnold (1857)
Margaret Emaline Bradds (1852)
Eliza Jane Coffee (1851)
Lydia Margaret Cook (1856)
Magdalena Glockler (1866)
John Oliver Green (1870)
Arthur Lee B Hamner (1888)
Lizzie D Hamner (1897)
Manley Holiday Hamner (1867)
Annie Lee Hendershot (1878)
John Alfonzo Holland (1872)
Jonathan Jones (1757)
Narrah M Kennedy (1874)
Mary Jane King (1826)
Jerry Walton Lawson (1860)
Allice Montgomery (1896)
Annie Montgomery (1871)
Annie E Montgomery (1883)
Ardilla F Montgomery (1895)
Blanche E Montgomery (1886)
Carroll Leland Montgomery (1881)
Dr Christopher Montgomery (1831)
Clanton Montgomery (1893)
Clara Montgomery (1882)
Cosby Montgomery (1898)
David Montgomery (1880)
Elizabeth M Montgomery (1836)
Ernest Morton Montgomery (1891)
Franklin B Montgomery (1897)
George Milladge Montgomery (1890)
George R Montgomery (1887)
Hattie L Montgomery (1887)
Henry Montgomery (1823)
Jackson Montgomery (1878)
James F Montgomery (1850)
James Howard Montgomery (1850)
Jewell Montgomery (1910)
John Franklin Montgomery (1862)
Johnnie Montgomery (1879)
Leler Montgomery (1884)
Magaret Floy Montgomery (1886)
Maggie Ray Montgomery (1881)
Mamie Montgomery (1898)
Marion J N Montgomery (1872)
Martha Montgomery (1895)
Mary A. Montgomery (1864)
Mary B Montgomery (1841)
Mary E Montgomery (1861)
Nancy Ann Montgomery (1879)
Pauline F Montgomery (1900)
Philip Montgomery (1769)
Thomas Montgomery (1878)
William B Montgomery (1889)
Eugenia Neal (1866)
Mary A Peoples (1874)
Aldora Phillips (1858)
Kathleen Lillie Piper (1896)
Laura Louise Ann Rumple (1853)
Emma Jane Sandel (1898)
William M Skelton (1898)
David Burton Sullivan (1862)
Dolly Viola Sullivan (1900)
Samuel Albert Sullivan (1897)
William Edward Sullivan (1865)
Mary Ellen Taylor (1847)
Benjamin Gardner Wages, Sr (1825)
Martha Walker (1747)
Flemming Walthour Winn (1861)
03 President of the United S... (1772)
Jesse Rountree, III / Winifr... (1782)
Pvt William Bennett Malone /... (1860)
Armstrong / Mary Henry Cathe... (1785)
John Montgomery / Elizabeth ... (1814)
Fernando of Portugal / Count... (1212)
James Edmonstone / Janet Nap... (1457)
8th Earl of Eglinton Alexand... (1658)
Reverend Colin Francis Montg... (1894)
President of the United Stat... (1772)
Alexander Bruce / Margaret J... (1449)
Jesse D Montgomery / Nancy H... (1885)
Walter Leslie Montgomery / A... (1910)
Richard Johnston Montgomery ... (1913)
Andrew Holden / Una Montgome... (1912)
Robert Montgomery / Margaret... (1807)
Nathan Franklin Conard / Cat... (1840)
Joseph Henry Richard Tripe /... (1885)
James Blaine Montgomery / Ma... (1834)
Reverend William Quin Montgo... (1840)
Alfred James Hilton / Stella... (1923)
John H Towwater / Frances M ... (1887)
Samuel Nelson Smith / Grace ... (1904)
George Washington Coe Munroe... (1855)
Angelum Alexander Garrison /... (1874)
Robert Knox McConnell / Eliz... (1842)
Leander Cicero Hunter / Dovi... (1882)
Stanhope Washington Wallace ... (1882)
Walter Joel Rawlinson / Mart... (1876)
Joel Joseph M Lawing / Jane ... (1886)
Reverend John Montgomery, Jr... (1782)
Paul Stewart Montgomery / Le... (1919)
Thomas Phillips / Mary Polly... (1798)